Quick Review of ConvertBox – The best Engagement Tool I’ve found

by opijayasinghe
Quick Convertbox Review

UPDATE: Currently there’s an Lifetime Deal going on for Black Friday. Buy Convertbbox Now Before it goes on a reoccurring monthly fee.

Click the link below to Buy Now before the price goes up forever!



Optin forms have been around for years. It’s a way to capture emails addresses from your visitors and for you to provide as much value as you can. I’ve personally tried free and paid options. There are obviously pros and cons with each. Here’s a list of criteria which you should consider important to you prior to you selecting an engagement tool.

Engagement tool selection criteria

  1. Ease of integration with your autoresponder. For those who you don’t know, an autoresponder allows you to segment your visitors into different categories depending on how what actions they’ve taken or a predefined criteria set by you. Commonly, this type of segmentation is known as tags.
  2. Do you want a SaaS (software as a service) application or something simple like a Wordpress plugin or even a desktop application though I can’t really see how this would work on a desktop app.
  3. Are there many template options; do they look good and are they customisable?
  4. What type of functionality does it have? Like I mentioned before, is it just a pop up form in the middle of the screen or do you have options to play around with this?
  5. How good is their support? This is unfortunately not an easy one to determine prior to purchasing as the pre-purchase sales staff might be ‘nicer’ and ‘more helpful’ than the post purchase support staff. You can get some reassurance by reading honest reviews and getting feedback from other existing users.
  6. Commitment and engagement from the founder and the community. This is something that I’ve recently started to place value on. If the founder is fully engaged and committed to their product and provide regular updates, naturally the community that use the product will show support in so many ways by actively promoting and endorsing the product, assisting in identifying bugs and raising defects, naturally building the company profile via online word of mouth.
  7. Lastly, what is the price? Is it a once off, reoccurring or free? There is really no right or wrong answer with this as it depends on where you are at with your business and your individual needs. A bit of luck also does come into play as sometime you might get lucky with a great product which is offering a LifeTime deal.

Why I selected ConvertBox as my preferred engagement tool?

As mentioned before, I tried almost a dozen services prior to settling with Convertbox as my preferred engagement tool. There were a number of free wordpress plugins and some other paid options; SaaS and plugins. They either didn’t work as desired or wouldn’t integrate properly with my autoresponder. Even with hours and hours of fiddling around with Zapier.

The Autoresponder I use which is Moosend, wasn’t natively integrated with Convertbox. However, they had a HTML form which works great. I did have some initial trouble which was an error on my behalf as I was playing around with the A/B split tests and forgot to configure the B split test. However, Convertbox support were amazingly quick to respond and resolve the issue.

I’ve made a quick review of Convertbox which you can check out below. Excuse my empty book shelf in the back. I’ve recently moved house and haven’t had a chance to unpack some some of the boxes yet.

This isn’t an in depth review of Convertex; only a quick review of Convertbox to highlight the key features of this ever advancing software.

I know I’ve already touched on this several times but Dean the founder has been providing regular updates on new features and is completely engaged with the Convertbox community which is why I can confidently recommend this a solid solution. Below are some updates he posts to the community. The point of the below screenshots is not to highlight each and specific feature which has been added. Yes, these are significant but the point I’m trying to make is that the founder constantly communicates and is actively developing this product. As highlighted in point #6 of my criteria, this is so important for us as the end user. We need to invest not only our money but time in learning new pieces of software. For that investment, it’s reassuring to know that this is Dean’s baby.

ConvertBox Dean FB Update Nov 26th 2019 ConvertBox Dean FB Update Nov 8th 2019.jpg


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