Goodbye Content Samurai, Hello Vidnami!

by opijayasinghe

If you haven’t heard me talk about Content Samurai, I don’t know what to say. It’s arguable one of the best video creation software in the market, hands down! I use it’s constantly and over the years, they’ve added a ton of features.

Best Content Creator for Video in 2020 – Vidnami

This blog post isn’t going to be long but more of an announcement to say that they’ve rebranded to Vidnami – meaning a Tsunami of Videos!

I don’t know why… that’s what they’ve come up with. Have to admit, I didn’t like it at the start. Now it’s grown on me.

Anyway, they’re currently offering this tool for only $29 per month which is 40% of their normal price. This is unbelievable cheap so please get yourself a copy ASAP!

40% off for life! Amazing deal if you even make a couple of videos every month.

Premium video clip at your disposal which it finds for you using AI depending on your script. It’s going to blow you away

30,000 music tracks included with your subscription~!

Grab your copy today by click here as this discount is only available for 3 days. I assure you this is not fake scarcity.

Full disclosure, Dr. Anthony, the founder of this software does bring back this $29 promo from time to time but it’s definitely not an ongoing thing. The time I saw this was about 6 months ago. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay what everyone else is paying including me for years which was $47 per month! So I suggest you pick up Vidnami before the timer runs out, otherwise you’ll be sorry. Once again, not a scare tactic. I’ve been there myself. There’s nothing worse than wanting the software and having to pay full price.

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