Best Online Booking Plugin for Hair Salons and Hairdressers

by opijayasinghe

Last year I started working in a new firm, completely on the other side of town to which I had worked previously. Due to the nature of my work and the number of projects I had running on the side, it made sense for me to get to know the local area and it’s amenities. One service I needed to find urgently was a quality hairdresser; aka barbershop near my new work.

I decided to go for a stroll during my lunch break to get a feel for the area. As I came across several barbershops, I walked in and enquired about their charges for a men’s haircut. Thank goodness I was standing because if I had been sitting, I would have fallen off my chair. Outrages prices!

A couple of days went by and I asked one of my colleagues at work. He mentioned a babershop and told me to book some time with Ricky. I didn’t have a clue where this was so I grabbed the name and searched online to get a number. When I entered their website, I found a button which said “Book an Appointment”. I was pleasantly surprised as this would save me a phone call.

    1. I clicked on the “Book an Appointment” button.
    2. Selected the day I was interested in getting my hair cut
    3. Selected the type of service, in this case a Haircut and a Beard Trim
    4. Then selected Ricky from the dropdown list of employees.

I was blown away, not because it was anything fancy but because it was so easy. This little experience stayed with me until recently as I’ve always thought, what a great little plugin this is as every hairdresser should have one.

Not only will this make this easier for their prospective customers but it’ll saved hours of phone calls which means instead of the employees answering calls, they can focus on what they do best. Styling snd cutting hair.

So it was by chance that I came across this piece of online booking plugin/software; actually it’s a WordPress booking plugin with an amazing user interface; not only for the customer but for you as the client too. Get the Drum Roll going… I present to you

WP Amelia – your all in one robust booking engine for your wordpress website.

Wordpress Booking platform person holding buttons

What is this booking app different?

There some key distinguishing features of WP Amelia which sets it apart from its competitors in the market.

  1. It is a Wordpress Plugin – this is a huge benefit because chances are that your website is running using the Wordpress architecture. Today, almost 34% of the entire Internet is powered by Wordpress. Source: You might not even know this but if you are running your website on Wordpress, installation of this online booking plugin is relatively straight forward.
  2. Amazing User Interface – this is so for not only your customer; ie the people looking to book their hairdressing appointments online, but also for you as the backend user. So both the front end and the backend is designed with the user in mind.
  3. It really is competitively priced – if you’ve got the one single site, its only at a cost of USD $59 or at USD $189 for lifetime access. Firstly, think about if you’ll continue to remain on the Wordpress Platform. In all likelihood, you’ll probably remain on a Wordpress website for the next feasible future but really think about it and see if this small investment is right for you. Below are the pricing for WP Amelia. If you’ve just got the one website, it’s a simple decision to go for the Onetime lifetime access of USD $189.

Annual Pricing

WP Amelia Online Booking Plugin Annual Pricing

Lifetime Pricing (Onetime payment)

WP Amelia Online Booking Plugin Lifetime Pricing

How do I check if my site is running on Wordpress?

If you don’t know for sure, you can easily check if you’re currently running a Wordpress site.

Step 1. Goto your website, right click on any blank space and click on the “View Page Source” button.

Step 2. Press Control + F (PC) or Command + F (Mac) and type in Wordpres. If you have multiple references coming up like the image shown, then in all probability, you’re running a Wordpress website.

What features does this online booking plugin have?

Rather than me trying to explain it, watch this 60 second video to get some insights on how this tool could work for you.

Check out

My Must Have Bonus

If you end up buying Amelia though, let me know via the Contact Us and I’ll provide you with an amazing plugin which backs up your website at a frequency you set directly to your Google Drive Account. It’s so easy to setup and it worth USD$99.

    • Export and import to and from Google Cloud Storage
    • Use on any number of websites that you own
    • Backup scheduler with hourly, daily, and weekly options
    • Unlimited Extension include

1 comment

admin February 18, 2020 - 5:35 am

Hi, can you please provide some more information. Are you trying to use the booking plugin?


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